Pack a bag…jump in the car and 4 1/2 hours later you have traveled to a different world. I have talked about the diversity of the Maine landscape and of all the wonderful things that you can experience very close to Bangor. A few weekends ago Bob and I were invited by friends to Quebec City for the weekend.
We traveled the wooded wonderland of western Maine, through quaint “New England” towns, experienced scenic vistas across river valleys with the purple mountains in the back ground and ended up in a “European enclave”. Not only was the journey breathtaking
but it was stress free.
We crossed the St. Lawrance, through Quebec into the “Old City” and snaked our down the narrow cobblestone streets and arrived at the centuries old hotel among the stone buildings. The language, the food and the atmosphere lends itself to romance. The Québécois were very warm warm and friendly and although their first language is french they were more than willing to speak english.